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Ciao, Plumatella! Дневник эмигрантки, или Жизнь в другом измерении, Татьяна Васильевна Михаевич – скачать книгу fb2, epub, pdf на ЛитРес (

Читать книгу «Ciao, Plumatella! Дневник эмигрантки, или Жизнь в другом измерении» онлайн полностью — Татьяны Васильевны Михаевич — MyBook.

Mikhaevitch Tatiana, Mario Cotta Ramusino. Fauna dei Briozoi di acqua dolce in Bielorussia ed ecologia della Plumatella fungosa nel bacino di raffreddamento della Centrale Idroelettrica di Beloozersk, Bielorussia. XX Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, 27-30 settembre 2010, p.118 (Italian)  

Fauna_dei_Briozoi_Abstract_XXSITE_Roma  Fauna_Ecologia_Briozoi_XXSite_2010_Relazione

Presentazione XXSITEROMA2010.3

Laenko Tatiana, Mikhaevitch Tatiana, Mario Cotta Ramusino. Malacological fauna in bioindication procedures of the transboundary area conditions in the Belarus Protected Areas, 2 nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology, Vienna, Austria, 20-12 April 2009 (English) 27_EN

Mikhaevich T.V.,  Timothy S. Wood.  Freshwater Bryozoans from a Belarus collection (1983-1995).  (English, in press)

Mikhaevich T.V. Ecology of the bryozoan Plumatella fungosa in the refrigerated  water reservoir of the Beresa Power Electric Plant, Belarus. (English, in press)

Mikhaevich T.V. Heterogeneity in  freshwater bryozoan Plumatella fungosa (Phylactolaemata). (English, in press)

Mikhaevich T.V. Heterogeneity in freshwater bryozoan Plumatella fungosa (Phylactolaemata). Int. Konf. Nauk. “Individual-Based Approach in ecology. Assumptions, achievements, prospects”. Mikolajki, Poland, 1996, p.23 (English)  23_EN

Mikhaevich T.V. A cultivation method of freshwater Bryozoa (Phylactolaemata). Zool. Journ., 1996, No 10, pp.1586-1589 (English; Russian)   22_EN   22_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. Vegetative reproduction of the bryozoan Plumatella fungosa (Pallas, 1768) (Phylactolaemata). Bull. Soc. Nat. Lux., 1995, 95, pp.237-244 (English)  21_EN

Mikhaevich T.V. The life strategy of the Plumatella fungosa  (Phylactolaemata) bryozoans in the temperature gradient. The 7 th Belarus Zool. Conf., Minsk, 1994, pp. 82-84 (English; Russian)  20_EN    20_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. La strategie de reproduction de la bryozoaire Plumatella fungosa (Phylactolaemata). Int. Konf. Nauk. Olshtyn, Poland, 1994, pp.30-31 (French)  19_FR

Mikhaevich T.V. Heterogeneity of the growth of Plumatella fungosa bryozoa zooids and colonies in the temperature gradient. Intern. And Russian Nat. Conf. “Fossil and Recent Bryozoans in the world”, Perm, 1994, p.31-34 (English; Russian)   18_EN   18_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. The role of bryozoans as biofilter in a cooling reservoir. 9 th Conference of the International Bryozoological Association, 1992, Swansea (English)   17_EN

Mikhaevich T.V. The role of bryozoans as biofilter in a cooling reservoir. Int. Ecol. Conf. “Research Methods and Management of Hydroecosystems”, Riga, 1991, pp.127-138 (English; Russian)  16_EN    16_RU

Moroz M.D., Mikhaevich T.V. The temperature effect on the reproduction and growth indices of aqueous semi-coleopterans and bryozoans. The 6 th congress of the All’Union Hydrobiologic Society, Murmansk, 1991, pp.96-97 (English;  Russian)   15_EN   15_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. Vegetative reproduction of the Plumatella fungosa bryozoan in the field laboratory conditions. The 8 th Colloq. on Fossil and Recent Bryozonas, Tallinn, 1990, pp.60-63 (English; Russian)   14_EN   14_RU

Nagorskaya L.L., Mikhaevich T.V., Kovalevskaya R.Z. Block diagram of the participation of sedimentors and microfags in the transformation of blue-green algae in a cooling reservoir. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR, 1990, 34, No 2, pp.184-187 (English; Russian) 12_EN   12_RU

Nagorskaya L.L., Mikhaevich T.V., Kovalevskaya R.Z. Specificity of the transformation of organic matter in blue-green algae in the autotroph-sedimentor-microphag chain. The 3 th Symp. “Trophic Links and Productivity of water Communities”, Chita, 1989, pp.95-96 (English; Russian)  11_EN_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. The dynamics of bryozoa biomass and density in the cooling reservoir system. The 6 tn Zool.Conf. “Dynamics of zoocenoses, Problems of animal Conservation and Management”, Vitebsk, 1989, p.64 (English; Russian)  10_EN_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. The density and biomass of bryozoans in the cooling reservoir in the Beresa EPP (BSSR). All’Union Conf. on the Problems and of animal Cadaster and Account, UFA, 1989, vol. 4, pp.45-46 (English; Russian)   09_EN   09_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. Energy exchange of bryozoans as a basis for calculation of the energy flow. All’Union Conf. of Young Scientists “Actual problems of Limnology”, Leningrad, 1988, p.36 (English; Russian)    08_EN   08_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. Estimation of the sedimentation activity of Plumatella fungosa in the temperature gradient. Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR, 1988, No 1, pp.112-114 (English;  Bielorussian) 07_EN  07_BEL

Mikhaevich T.V. Nutrition of Plumatella fungosa from the cooling reservoir system at the Beresa Electric Power Plant the temperature gradient. The 22 th Conference on Research and Management of water Bodies in the Baltic republics, Abstracts, Klaipeda, 1987, pp.127-128  (English; Russian)   06_EN   06_RU

Mikhaevich T.V. Elements of ecology of Plumatella fungosa bryozoan from the cooling reservoir at Beresa Electric Power Plant, BSSR. All’Union Colloq. On Fossil and recent bryozoans. Abstract, Moscow, 1986, pp.53-56 (English; Russian)   05_EN   05_RU

Khmeleva N.N., Mikhaevich T.V., Nesterovich A.I. The structure of the population Paramysis lacustrus and Gammarus lacustris from different water reservoirs. “The species and productivity from the natural habitatis”, Sverdlovsk, Russia, 1984, pp. 73-74 (English; Russian)  04_EN  04_RU

Roschin V.E., Baichorov V.M., Bakulin A.M., Mikhaevich T.V. Ecology of pontocaspian misid Paramysis lacustris from different habitats. The 4 th All’Union conference “The species and productivity from the natural habitats”. Sverdlovsk, Russia, 1984, p.67 (English; Russian) 03_EN  03_RU

Mikhaevich T.V., Roschin V.E. Life cicle of Gammarus lacustris Sars (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from different habitats. The 5 th Belarus zoological conference, abstracts, Minsk, Belarus, 1983, pp.13-14 (English; Russian)   02_EN   02_RU

Mikhaevich T.V., Lenght-weight characteristic of Gammarus lacustris Sars (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from different habitats. “The questions of experimental zoology”, Minsk, Belarus, “Science and technic”, 1983, pp.18-22 (English; Russian)   01_EN   01_RU

Dr. Tatiana Mikhaevitch, Ph.D. in Ecology, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Member of the Italian Ecological Society (S.IT.E.), Member of the International Bryozoological Society (I.B.A.), Member of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (I.S.D.E.),,,