Curriculum Vitae


2005-2007, Commercial Switzerland School Como, Italy

1990,          Phylosophy Doctor Degree in Hydrobiology by decision of Council of Institute of Zoology, Belorussian Academy of Sciences, December 24th, 1990, Minsk
A candidate thesis in biology “Ecological and energetical characteristics of the bryozoan, Plumatella fungosa, from the refrigerated water reservoir of the Berezovskaya Power Station (Belarus)”. Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Nina Khmeleva

1983-1988, Post graduate Course in the Institute of Zoology of Belorussian Academy of Sciences

1973-1979, Degree in Biology and Chemistry, Belorussian State University, Department of Biology, Minsk, June 22, 1979
Thesis title: “Life cycle of Mysis relicta (Crustacea) in South Volos Lake (Belarus)

Career history:

2001 – present, translator
2001-1998, chemical analyst, Italy
1992-1997, Principal scientific researcher, Institute of Zoology Belorussian Academy of Science, Minsk
1988-1992, Junior researcher, Institute of Zoology Belorussian Academy of Science, Minsk
1983-1988, Acting junior researcher, Institute of Zoology Belorussian Academy of Science, Minsk
1983-1988, Post-graduate studies, Institute of Zoology Belorussian Academy of Science, Minsk.
1979-1983, Senior laboratory assistant, Institute of Zoology Belorussian Academy of Science, Minsk.
1975-1979, Laboratory assistant, Institute of Zoology Belorussian Academy of Science, Minsk.
1973-1975, Laboratory assistant, Belorussian State University, Minsk
1973,          Laboratory assistant, the Research Institute of Blood Transfusion, Minsk

Publications and Conferences:

2009 – present, with the aim of scientific divulgation, since 2009 I write on my website, in Italian and Russian, on topics of ecology in general, glacier ecology, biology, environmental protection, pollution from PFAS/pesticides/hydrocarbons/radionuclides, nuclear deposits, polluted sites to be reclaimed, Chernobyl, Seveso, Parks, Reserves, Ramsar Wetlands, invasive species, biodiversity etc.

24 scientific publications, 20 relations in the Conferences

Memberships of associations:

2010 – present, Member of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (I.S.D.E.)

2005 – present, Official Translator of the Civil Court of Como, Italy

2001 – present, Member of the Italian Ecological Society (S.It.E.)

1989 – present, Member of the International Bryozoological Association (IBA)


Dr. Tatiana Mikhaevitch, Ph.D. in Ecology, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Member of the Italian Ecological Society (S.IT.E.), Member of the International Bryozoological Society (I.B.A.), Member of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (I.S.D.E.),,,